Down a suburban road deep in Beaverton, we impulsively followed the signs to a yard sale that wasn't on our list and struck gold. There, under a card table stacked with crappy kids games and discarded Happy Meal toys, was a round Le Creuset dutch oven. Creamy white. The big size. The little tag said $20. My heart stopped a little, and Andy saw the look in my eyes and realized that something important was about to happen. I purchased that dutch oven with the rest of my Christmas money (yeah, I know it's April!) and I walked to the car like an Olympic gold medalist-although, what can a medalist do with their gold besides look at it? I can cook with mine!
All this to say, my new friend Lauren at The Little Things We Do is having a giveaway of two Le Creuset blue baking dishes, and I entered myself in the running, and you should too! Visit her post HERE and follow the instructions. Good Luck! Although I'm rooting for myself, sorry.

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