Well, technically not a cruise. More like camping. But fun! We spent last week on a total adventure: navigating a boat through the canals of Burgundy, operating locks, exploring small villages and markets, eating our body weight in cheese and chocolate, and watching Gilmore Girls on a laptop while trying to keep warm as the temperature dipped to 29 F.
The boat company switched our itinerary a few days before we left Paris, and due to the strikes in France we were unable to change our train tickets. So, we kept our original plan to spend the night in Digoin, France, and the next day, the company lent us their car and we drove up to a very small village called Chatillon-en-Bazois. They had "upgraded" us to a bigger boat to make up for the inconvenience of switching routes. With all the new extra room, we invited my aunt, who lives in Switzerland, to come with us for the week.
Our lady boat, Siloé. Striking a pose in the countryside.
Pulling into to the écluse and the neat little houses their keepers live in right next to the locks, each with its own personality. One sold homemade wine, jam, and honey. We bought all three.

Once "locked" in, the water rises or falls according to the lay of the canal. One or two people rope the boat to the sides as another helps the éclusier.
And out you go!
Over at Andy's blog, you can watch a video he and my aunt Susan compiled and streamed to document the weeklong journey. And he has more sides of the story, too.
Fun post Meg! I'm crushing on your bangs. Have you cut them since you left? They're super cute.
Oh, and while you were likely sipping on wine and eating gourmet cheese and baguette, I attended a THREE hour October Hillsdale Neighborhood Association meeting in your absence. Whew, that was an experience : ) When do you get home again?
Miss you guys,
Those pumpkin pancakes sound so delish...wish we were going to be celebrating all the fun fall-ness with everybody! I cut the bangs before they left but they've been a p.a.i.n....thanks though!
And oooohhh I know exactly what you experienced at the HNA. Learn something new everyday, even if you don't want to, right? ha.ha.
See you guys in December. We're back around the 5th, and although we are having a blast over here we are looking forward to coming home :)
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