It's official.
My crockpot hates me. Or I hate it, rather. Doesn't matter - the bottom line is that it's just not working out between us.
It's been a rocky relationship from the get-go.
When I had my first experience with the crock pot, which I had eagerly registered for in a cheery red color and received at my bridal shower, I decided to make chicken and broccoli.
Do not, under any circumstances, put broccoli in a crock pot, especially not for 8 hours. My friend was laughing about it the other day and said, "Your house smelled for the rest of the time that you lived there!" - - putrified broccoli. Strike 1.
Then, I decided to cook a whole chicken in it, like mom used to do. I imagined it simmering away while I was at work, so juicy and tender with the carrots and the onions, etc...you know, like mom used to make! Lo and behold, when I opened the lid after I got home from work, there was no chicken left! It had disintegrated into a pile of herby mush. Strike 2.
Today, I had some butternut squash and a recipe for crockpot butternut squash soup. Woke up early, cut the apples, made the bouquet garni full of cloves and coriander, and came home to a very pleasant smell. Blended it up and poured myself a bowl. Ick. Just plain not good. Strike 3.
You're out.
Anyone need a crock pot?
How about I give you some sure-fire crock pot recipes that I use? If after a few more attempts you still are not feeling the crock pot love (and I think you will be), I'd be happy to give him a loving home :-)
My crock pot was a gift to my mom at HER wedding, so needless to say its a few years old...
Thanks Ally :) Right after I posted I let my friend borrow my crock pot indefinitely, but if I ever get it back I'll pass it on to you or take you up on your recipe offer!
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