Luckily, I had my mom to help me out with making the bias tape and reading the pattern. I bought a Little Mermaid pillow case, cut out Ariel, Sebastian, and Flounder, then turned them into iron-on decals using transfer paper bought at Craft Warehouse. It was my first time using the iron-on transfer paper and accidentally put it upside down on the ironing board, so now my ironing board is covered in a shiny sheer coating that has been almost impossible to wash off, whoops! I also had a little meltdown making the pocket and time was running short before her birthday party, so I cheated and bought some Stitch Witchery to help me finish, which I will keep on hand now every time I do some sort of craft sewing. I've heard some people call that cheating but I call it a tiny miracle worker!
The little embellishments that I added at the end were to sew a little red heart button on the top left hand seam where the top strap and apron meet, and also make a ruffle with my leftover pink bias tape and attached that across the top of the apron.
The pattern I used was a Simplicity "Sew Easy" design. I think the next one I do will take me half as long because I now know what to expect. Happy Birthday, Alex!
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